
...from baby food to toddler food to family food!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Babies Don't Need Breakfast

This is not to say they shouldn't eat in the morning, just that they don't care about adult perceptions of breakfast/lunch/dinner foods.  William would gladly eat avocado at all three meals....

Here are some simple recipes that William enjoys:

Basic Avocado Mash: 1/4 ripe avocado, fork mashed with 2 inches banana or 1-inch slice sweet potato

Avocado "Dip": 1/4 ripe avocado, fork mashed with 1 Tbsp. whole milk plain yogurt, tiny sprinkle of garlic powder
This recipe is delicious in many variations: add 1 tsp. pureed spinach and a tiny amount of sea salt and black pepper (this also would make an amazing dip for adults to enjoy!).  Or add 1 tsp pureed asparagus, peas, garbanzo beans....the list is endless. Avocado is a great base for baby food recipes, with its smooth, creamy consistency and mellow, slightly sweet flavor.

"Breakfast" Oatmeal: 1/4 of prepared oats (http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/oatmealbabyfoodrecipes.htm) warmed for 10-20 seconds in microwave, 1 oz. any fruit (William loves prunes, banana, baked apple or pears).  This is even more delicious with a dash of cinnamon and 1 Tbsp. whole milk plain yogurt!

Brown Rice "Dinner": 1/4 of prepared brown rice (http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ricebabyfoodrecipes.htm) warmed for 10-20 seconds in microwave, 1 tsp garbanzo beans, 1 tsp squash, dash of garlic powder and/or salt/pepper.  A tsp. of any vegetable can be added to this for even more flavor, texture and nutrition. William has enjoyed this with asparagus, peas, spinach and broccoli.

Sweet Yogurt: 2 Tbsp. whole milk yogurt with 2 oz fruit, thickened with multigrain (or rice, or oatmeal) baby cereal.  Dash of cinnamon optional.  Just this morning William at this with about 1 oz (2 inches) mashed banana and 1 oz. pears. He loved it! Thickening it with the cereal not only adds nutrition and flavor, but also texture.  It tends to make mealtime a little less messy as well!

Savory Yogurt:  2 Tbsp. whole milk yogurt mixed with 2 oz. any vegetables, garlic powder, salt & pepper optional.  William had this at dinner this evening with 1 oz peas and 1 oz. squash.

Did you know that after 6-7 exposures to a new food, babies are more likely to show interest in them?  For William, peas, asparagus, spinach and broccoli took a few tries before he became comfortable with them.  He still pokes at the spinach on his spoon and tray, examining it like a little scientist faced with a mysterious new element! Avocado, his first food, is still his favorite.
I'm excited to introduce more and more new foods to William, because it expands my opportunities for creativity in the kitchen.  I'll continue to post more recipes as William and I discover them together!

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